We've had some amazing applications for this year's Camerata Ireland Academy!
We received entries from high level students of strings, wind, brass, piano and voice. Applicants are resident in Ireland, North or South.
This exciting course will give some of Ireland's most talented young musicians the opportunity to study with world-class artists, develop their musicianship, and enhance their performance skills.
Over the last twenty years, the Camerata Ireland Academy has helped nurture the talents of almost 300 student musicians. Many alumni progress into successful performance careers as chamber musicians, soloists, and even as orchestral players with Camerata Ireland.
To help us keep everyone safe and secure, this year's Camerata Ireland Academy will work a little differently, Participants will take part in a series of online masterclasses, with a selected few progressing to a live, socially-distanced recording session with the orchestra of Camerata Ireland.
For further details, visit the Academy section of our website.
Please note, due to the changing nature of restrictions regarding COVID-19, the plans outlined here may be adapted in response to evolving government guidelines.